Diploma in Educational Management (Level I) – DEM PT &
Diploma in Educational Management (Level II) – DEM PT
The Diploma in Educational Management (DEM) is designed to provide participants with knowledge, understanding, skills and practical ideas to enable them to become more effective leaders of better schools. The philosophy behind the DEM is that school leadership has become a priority in education policy agendas internationally. It plays a key role in improving school outcomes by influencing the motivations and capacities of teachers, as well as the school climate and environment. Effective school leadership is essential to improve the efficiency and equity of schooling.
It has two entry points:
(a) A one-year programme for candidates holding a Teachers’ Diploma Primary, Certificate in Educational Management, Advanced Certificate in Management and /or possessing a Degree.
(b) A two-year programme for candidates who possess the Teachers’ Certificate Primary and the Advanced Certificate of Education of the MIE
Programme Coordinator : Dr T Mohabeer
Assistant Programme Coordinator : Mrs M Jawaheer