The team is composed of dedicated staff members who manage the roles and responsibilities of the OIIAD. Each member is a focal point for specific portfolios to ensure smooth operations and coordination.

Team Members:

  1. Dr. (Mrs.) Brinda Oogarah-PratapHead (Associate Professor)
  2. Dr. Vele PutchayAssistant Head & Focal Person for Francophonie Affairs (Associate Professor)
  3. Mr. Kaviraj Sharma PeedolyFocal Person for Staff and Student Exchange/Mobility (Senior Lecturer)
  4. Ms. Divyashali SowdagurFocal Person for Outer Islands Affairs (Lecturer)
  5. Mr. Deepak DhunnooFocal Person for Branding and Support Services (Assistant Registrar)
  6. Mrs. Pratimah AppadooFocal Person for Logistics Arrangements (Administrative Officer)
  7. Ms. Nalliben JeewoothFocal Person for Outer Islands and International Students Admission (Higher Executive Officer)
  8. Ms. Gyanabye TatteaSecretary (Clerical Officer)

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