50th Anniversary Celebrations at the Mauritius Institute of Education

The educational research conference, entitled “Envisioning the Futures of Education through Research”, organised by the Research Unit was held on 20-24 November 2023 


Organisation of a seminar based on the theme, ‘Design and Technology chronicles: Unveiling the Past, Envisioning the Future’ by the Design and Technology department.  

This event was also a platform for Design and Technology B.Ed students to display their different projects and artefacts, which showcased the evolution of technology and how students were working towards bringing technology into their classrooms through innovative projects. 


Journée internationale des professeurs de français au MIE: «Oui nous sommes fières et fiers d’enseigner le français» dans une ambiance de partage et de convivialité  

La cinquième édition de la Journée internationale des professeurs de français (JIPF) s’est tenue le vendredi 24 novembre 2023 sur le campus de Réduit sous l’égide du Mauritius Institute of Education (MIE). 



 Mathematics Video Competition Celebrates MIE’s 50th Anniversary! 

To mark the 50th anniversary of the MIE, the Mathematics Education Department launched a video competition for secondary school students in September 2023. Students from Grades 7 to 9 and Grades 10 to 13, under the supervision of their mathematics educators, were invited to participate. They were required to create a video that shows how mathematics is used in everyday life. 


Portes Ouvertes sur le département de Français 

Dans le cadre des célébrations du 50e anniversaire du MIE, le département de Français avait ouvert ses portes sur quelques activités ludiques interactives et des ressources et de recherches produites et conduites dans le cadre de collaborations (inter)départementales ce mercredi 13 septembre 2023


Tea Party for Inauguration of the Word Album in Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the MIE

As a special way to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the MIE, Kamini Moteea and Mrs Mangala Jawaheer came up with the idea of compiling a word album for retired non-academic staff members. On the 12th of September 2023, a tea party for the non-retired staff who had collaborated in the Word Album.


50th Anniversary Inter-Institutional Futsal Tournament