1. Certificate In Educational Management In Early Childhood Education (CEM-ECE) PT
The Certificate in Educational Management (CEM) in Early Childhood Education (ECE) is a 3 semesters part-time programme. This Programme is open to all managers of pre-primary schools, registered with the ECCEA and who have followed either the Teachers Certificate Pre Primary (TCPP) or the Teacher’s Certificate Early Childhood Certificate (TCECE) or the Early Childhood Education Teacher’s Certificate (ECETC).This is a programme of 30 credits which consists of 24 credits of taught module and a Professional Practice component of 6 credits.
The Certificate in Educational Management in Early Childhood Education aims at providing managers of pre-primary schools with up-to-date and relevant knowledge, skills and aptitude in order to lead their educational institutions efficiently.
The courses are run in a face to face as well as in a blended mode using the Moodle platform.
Programme Coordinator
Mrs N Congo-Pootaren
Assistant Programme Coordinator
Mrs M Murden-Louise: Majhegy.Murden-Louise@mie.ac.mu