PhD (with UKZN)

Background Information

The University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) and the Mauritius Institute of Education (MIE) is presently providing a three-year, Doctor in Philosophy programme (PhD). This postgraduate programme seeks to engage prospective scholars to become highly skilled and innovative researchers in education.

Aims of the Programme

The aims of the PhD programme are as follows:

  • to develop advanced research capabilities among students, including theoretical, methodological and strategic knowledge and skills;
  • to capacitate students as confident, well-informed and skillful researchers who can make critical contributions in educational policy, leadership, research and practice;
  • to contribute to the field of educational research in relevant and innovative ways;
  • to operationalise the university’s vision of being a leader in African scholarship.

Entry Requirements

  • Entry into the programme is by written application.
  • Students must have a Masters Degree or an MEd or equivalent with at least one year experience of working/researching in the field of education.

Programme fees: Rs 55 000 (Mauritian rupees) per year

Doctoral Programme Format

The doctoral programme operates on a seminar-based cohort system. The student is allocated a supervisor who is the primary support person during the course of study, as well as a co-supervisor. The seminar-based cohort system of generic research support provides support and guidance from staff and students in addition to the student’s supervisor and co-supervisor.

The doctoral seminars are presented by the staff in the faculty, visiting scholars and past and present doctoral students. A team approach is developed, providing a network of individuals who serve to support one another.

How to apply

As and when advertised, applicants must then submit a portfolio including the following documents:

  • a completed Post-Graduate Application form from UKZN.
  • a brief proposal or 5 page description of the doctoral research you would like to pursue as per the UKZN Research Proposal format.

3 certified copies of academic records and degree certificates for at least Honours and Masters (to be submitted with the application form)

  • certified true copies of Identity card and passport
  • a formal letter of intention to read for the PhD for 2016 (with all relevant contact details-indicate in your covering letter which of the faculty staff members you have consulted regarding your     intended research. You may also suggest whom you would like to work with as the promoter of your study. If you do not know any faculty staff, then indicate in your recommendation what kind of expertise you would consider to be appropriate to support your studies.)
  • a brief curriculum vitaewith references and publications.
  • a photo-copy of the abstract of your masters research dissertation.
  • four passport sized photographs, with a blue background with your name clearly written at the back of each photo.
  • The SAQA certificate

All applicants are required to submit to UKZN an evaluation document from South African Qualification Authority (SAQA) stating that their post schools qualifications are equivalent to the South African requirements for admission to postgraduate studies. The South African Qualification Authority (SAQA) requires the National Qualification Framework (NQF) level 9 for students to be eligible on the PhD programme.

For more details about the online application procedures and fees for the SAQA Certificate, please log on to the SAQA website on

After completing the online application for the SAQA Certificate, applicants are required to submit a complete paper application pack by courier to SAQA. The application pack must include the following:

  1. Application form

A printout of the fully completed online application form / pro forma invoice.

The application form must bear the signature of the applicant and the date of submission.

  1. Proof of identity

A readable certified copy of the Qualification Holder’s official, valid identity document (National ID/Passport)

  1. Proof of payment

Proof of Payment of the amount indicated on the application form / pro forma invoice. The proof of payment must bear the application submission number as reference (found at the top of the online application form / pro forma invoice). Without this number the application will not meet SAQA’s requirements.

  1. Consent form

Consent form, signed by the Qualification Holder, which authorises SAOA to verify the authenticity of all qualifications.

  1. Qualifications Document

Certified true copies of Qualification documents, strictly meeting the requirements stated under What must be submitted (available on the SAQA website).

While SAQA aims to complete evaluations within 15 working days, verification of authenticity brings about a dependency on external responses, which often cause delays so that it may take anywhere between 3-6 weeks to process applications for the SAQA certificate.

If you are interested in joining the programme, it is a good idea to speak to staff members in your field of interest and to get help with your application.

Contact Persons

Dr Hyleen Mariaye
PhD Overall Programme Coordinator, MIE
Tel: 401 6555, Ext 405

Dr Anwar Rumjaun
PhD Coordinator, Cohort 3
Tel: 401 6555, Ext 501


Prof Michael Samuel
PhD Overall Programme Coordinator,UKZN

Bongekile Bhengu
UKZN PhD Administrator
Postal Address: Room A115, Edgewood Campus, Private Bag X03, Ashwood, 3605
Tel: 031 260 7865
Fax: 031 260 7594